9 Jul 2011

Lovely Blog Award

Hello everyone,

the lovely Sunni and Melissa at 'Love Affair with my Brother' gave me the Lovely Blog Award, thanks ladies, I am very honoured. And I will now hand it over to 15 other bloggers.

But I also have to share 7 secrets. I am not good at sharing secrets, so sorry for this half ar*ed attempt, but here goes:

1. I used to be a bit of a (wannabe?) goth/punk in the 80s/90s. still am a bit, actually. I really want bright red hair (like I used to have it in my punky times. it is black now). bright red like in this trailer for Brave, the new Disney Pixar movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYg0VgPy6Uk

2. I am a real geek. I LOVE Science Fiction. I am totally into gadgets and computers. I listen to Science podcasts when I get the time. and I can have a good old rant about politics and pretty much anything.

3. BUT ... I hate Dr Who. can't stand it. despise it with all my heart. Sorry.

4. I am German, East German and grew up behind the Iron Curtain. (not really a secret, but maybe new to some of you.) I am really a bit of a socialist (not delusional enough for being a communist). yes, still. well, a bit of a cynic now too, even though that doesn't really make sense together. hah.

5. I hate ironing, I never NEVER iron clothes, but I do iron my quilts :)

6. I am originally an artist and paint/draw too (here are my painting websites: http://www.nadinesaupeart.tk/ and the currently slightly neglected art blog http://nadinesaupearts.wordpress.com/) and I am planning to sell paintings and prints on Etsy too, hopefully.

7. and last but not least: I have 3 tattoos.

There. maybe not really secrets but you definitely didn't know these thing sbaout me, so I hope that counts.

And here are the 15 brilliant blogs I want to hand the Lovely Blog Award over to.

Lucy and Norman (gorgeous quilts and now a cute baby too)
I'm a Ginger Monkey (katy always has a great Giveaway going)
How About Orange (great tutorials)
Simply Me (lovely website and great papercrafts)
The Quilting Edge (absolutely unique quilting style and great tutes too)
Paper. Scissors. Superheroes (amazing cardmaking)
Retro Mama (creativity explosion!)
Punksy (very cute)
Positively Splendid (so full of ideas)
Art and Sole (gorgeous scrapbooking)
Pez Güzel Seyler (just discovered this breathtaking art blog. just look at the amazing pics)
The Sketchy Easel (lovely art and other stuff too)
Frequent Frenzy (very skilled quilting)
Sew Justine, Sew (local quilter with an amazing range of craftiness)
Make do and Send (LOADS of different stuff, including quilting and art and tutes)

I hope all the award recipients will also blog about 7 secrets and hand the award over to 15 other bloggers. Let's mingle, you lovely people.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Love, Nadine xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry to those of you that I wasn't able to contact to let you know about the award. I couldn't find your email and for some reason blogger didn't let me comment either.

  3. I love your 7 "secrets". Getting to know each other better is always fun :)

  4. why do you hate doctor who? please tell!

  5. Why do I hate Dr Who? Not entirely sure, actually. Well, for one, I don't think it's funny, it is badly acted and overly stylised. and the SciFi element is just bizarre at best. It seems like a kids show, actually, but here in the UK it seems to be more popular with adults for some reason, but maybe I just don't get British humor. Even after having lived here for 10 years now. Am German after all and we don't have a sense of humor as I keep being told.


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